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Using Our Visual Identity Graphics

We are thrilled that our beloved warbler (Scout) and the artistic county map have resonated with so many of you. To help you use these graphics while preserving their integrity, we’ve put together some guidelines and an easy process for requesting permission if you’d like to include them in specific projects relating to promoting tourism and economic development in Norfolk County.


How to Request Permission

If you’d like to use our visual identity graphics, follow these simple steps:

Submit a Request: Email us with the following details:

  • How you plan to use the graphics
  • Which graphics you want to use (Scout illustrations or county map)
  • Duration and scope of use


Await Approval: We’ll review your request and get back to you with approval and any additional guidelines if needed. Please wait for our written permission before using the graphics.

Usage Guidelines

Once approved, please follow these guidelines to ensure everyone benefits from a consistent and high-quality representation of Norfolk County:

  1. Keep It Original: Use the graphics in their original form. If you need to make any changes, get our approval first.
  2. Quality Matters: Ensure the graphics are high-quality in your materials.
  3. Give Credit: Include this attribution: “Used with permission from Norfolk County Economic Development.”
  4. Follow the Rules: Make sure your use complies with all relevant laws.

What’s Not Allowed

To protect our community’s image, please avoid the following:

  • Using the graphics for political campaigns.
  • Misrepresenting Norfolk County in any way.
  • Associating the graphics with offensive or inappropriate content.

Need Help?

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for helping us maintain the beauty and spirit of Norfolk County through these illustrations. We look forward to seeing how you use Scout and the county map to celebrate and promote our wonderful community!