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Other Governmental Assistance Programs

Navigating the landscape of government grants and funding can be a complex yet rewarding journey for businesses and organizations seeking financial support and resources. In Canada, particularly in Ontario, a diverse array of programs and initiatives are available to bolster various sectors, from agriculture and industry to research and workforce development. These programs not only offer financial aid but also extend to providing valuable business services, research tools, and training opportunities. This guide provides an overview of some key organizations and ministries that play a pivotal role in supporting the economic growth and innovation within the province.

Business Benefits Finder

Use this tool from the Government of Canada to find programs and services to help your business grow.

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario

The Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (feddevontario.gc.ca) delivers programming to help create, retain and grow businesses, cultivate partnerships and build strong communities. This will support a strong Southern Ontario economy and position the region to compete globally. Programs include financial support and business services.

The Agricultural Credit Corporation

The Agricultural Credit Corporation (agcreditcorp.ca/) is a not-for-profit farm organization founded by a coalition of farm organizations and is now comprised of 19 producer associations and marketing boards. Since that time, they have provided in excess of three billion dollars in operating funds to Canadian producers.

The Canada Ontario Jobs Grant for Employers

The Canada Ontario Jobs Grant for Employers (https://www.tcu.gov.on.ca/eng/eopg/cojg/) provides an opportunity for employers to invest in their workforce, with help from the government. The Job Grant provides direct financial support to individual employers who wish to purchase training for their employees. Available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees, the Canada Ontario Jobs Grant is administered in Norfolk County by Fanshawe College (fanshawec.ca/cces).

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Industry Canada (ic.gc.ca) provides financing and industry research tools to help businesses develop, import and export.

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (omafra.gov.on.ca) provides funding programs that support good jobs, attract investment and help the agri-food industry make an even greater contribution to Ontario’s economic success.

Invest Ontario

Get offers access to an array of government incentive programs and services that help businesses save money on corporate taxes, labour costs, research and development, and more.

The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation

The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation (http://www.ontario.ca/page/ministry-research-and-innovation-service-charter) provides funding to support research and innovation in Ontario, as well as young entrepreneurs.