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Quality of Life​

Cost of living in Norfolk

Norfolk County residents spend less on most day-to-day expenditures compared to the provincial average:


Norfolk Cost of Living Table

Source: 2018 Canada Consumer Spend Potential Expenditures Summary


Fields Percentage Compared to Provincial Average
25% less
Insurance & Pension
16% less
15% less
15% less
Personal Taxes
14% less
Personal Care
14% less
Home Operation
13% less
12% less
Home Furnishings
11% less
10% less
  • Because we spend less on:

Residents of Norfolk County spend much less than the provincial average on Internet access, childcare expenses, home security, household items, jewelry, dry cleaning, garage rent and parking fees, healthcare practitioners, collectors’ items, alcohol served in bars, funeral services, veal, lamb, shrimps, pasta, rice, green beans, spinach, and cooking/salad oil.

  • We choose to spend more on:

Due to our low cost of living, Norfolk County residents choose to spend much more than the provincial average on trucks and vans, motorcycles, boats, pets, gardening, camping and recreation, power tools, lawnmowers, knitting yarn, computers, self-made alcoholic beverages, bingo, gifts of money, contributions to charitable organizations, beef chuck cuts, pork shoulder cuts, bacon, bologna, canned salmon, cheddar cheese, bananas, pie filling, peanuts, celery, turnips, baked beans, canned mushrooms, and tomato juice. 

Shelter Cost Comparisons

Norfolk County is one of least expensive places to live in Southwestern Ontario:

Norfolk Average Monthly Shelter Cost Table
Norfolk County London Branford Hamilton Kitchener-Waterloo
Owned Dwelling
Rented Dwelling