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Home / Community Improvement Plan Incentives (CIP) / Community Improvement Plan Application

Community Improvement Plan Application

CIP Incentive Application Form

Form FO-208

  • A. Applicant Information

  • B. Property Information

  • C. Grant Application Category


    i Architectural and Design Grant only applies for approvals related to other incentive programs. In Section D, the Applicant will indicate the other approved project to which the architectural or design plan is associated.

    ii Planning Application Fee and Building Permit Fee Grant only applies for approvals related to other incentive programs. In Section D, the Applicant will indicate the other approved project to which the planning application fee or building permit fee is associated.

    iii Agricultural Buildings and Facilities Improvement Grant applicants cannot also apply for the Structural Improvement Grant.

  • D. Development Information

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 500 MB, Max. files: 6.
      Attach detailed cost estimates (2 minimum), drawings, plans, reports and other justifications to support application.
      Required Additional Documentation: Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) indicating remedial work; Phase III ESA (Remedial Work Plans).
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • E. General Information and Instructions

      1. Agreement: By signing this Form, all Applicants participating in any Community Improvement Plan incentive program agree that they have entered into an agreement with Norfolk County binding them to the conditions and criteria contained in this document and any associated Policy.

      2. Application and Approval Required before Work Commences: All Applicants shall submit an application for the specific grant(s) to Norfolk County prior to the commencement of any works. Financial incentives offered in the Community Improvement Plan will not be offered retroactively for costs incurred prior to the approval of the application.

      3. Required Documentation – All Applications: All Applicants shall submit drawings and/or plans, two (2) cost estimates and other details with their application as may be required to satisfy Norfolk County with respect to the eligible costs of the project and conformity of the project with the Community Improvement Plan.

      a. Environmental Remediation Grant Applications: Applicants shall also submit copies of any Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) indicating remedial work and Phase III ESA (Remedial Work Plans) documentation. (See Form Section F.)

      b. Property Tax Increment Grant Applications: Applicants shall also submit a written report demonstrating specific performance expectations directly related to full-time permanent job creation, capital investment, business expansion, community and downtown revitalization goals, etc. (See Form Section G).

      4. Tax Arrears, Other Payments and Claims: Lands or buildings shall not be eligible to participate in the program if they have any tax arrears or any other legal claim, lien, or order that may adversely affect title of the property, other than a mortgage in good standing. All utilities and any other municipal financial obligations must be up to date. Information shall be disclosed in this regard by the Applicant when applying.

      5. Eligibility: Each Policy in the Community Improvement Plan outlines eligible areas, applicants, projects and costs.

      6. Public Disclosure of Information: Information regarding the grant amount issued, nature of the project and photographs thereof, total investment of the project by the private sector, and address of the property to which the grants are associated are all public information that will be included in promotional material and/or in media releases published by Norfolk County. Applicants shall permit this information to be released to the public and to participate in public reviews of the program in future.

      7. Priority Applications: In the event that the budget remaining for the year is insufficient to fund all applications on hand, projects demonstrating the greatest impact to the community (i.e. job creation and total capital investment) will be chosen for funding. Norfolk County may discontinue or cancel a program at the sole discretion of Council.

      8. Maximum Grants Available per Property: The total amount of financial incentives in the form of grants (where Community Improvement Programs are combined) shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000).

      9. Cost of Rehabilitation: The total of the grant(s) provided under the Community Improvement Plan shall not exceed the total cost of rehabilitating the land and buildings;

      10. Assignee Permission: Approved grants are not transferable to any other property, but may be transferred to a new owner of an approved property, provided the new owner agrees to the terms and conditions of the grant.

      11. Approval Process: All applications and agreements must be approved by the General Manager of Development and Cultural Services, or designate, except for the Tax Increment Grant Program, which must be approved by Norfolk County Council.

      12. Approval Period: Written confirmation of the commitment will be given and will be valid for six (6) months. If eligible improvements are not completed within this time, the commitment may receive a justifiable extension to a maximum of 12 months, at the General Manager’s discretion.

      13. Project Completion: The Chief Building Official or designate (and, where required, the Fire Chief or designate) will inspect and approve improvements of the building upon completion, as required. Improvements must be consistent with any existing design guidelines or other policies. For the grant to be paid, the final project must be significantly consistent with the project outlined at the application stage. Otherwise, staff may refuse to issue a grant. If a building is demolished prior to the completion of the related work, the grant is forfeited and will be recovered by Norfolk County. Norfolk County may undertake an audit of work completed and associated costs if it is deemed necessary.

    • F. Environmental Remediation Grant – Additional Information

      Complete this section ONLY if applying for an Environmental Remediation Grant. (if applicable)
    • Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 500 MB, Max. files: 4.
        Required Additional Documentation: Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) indicating remedial work; Phase III ESA (Remedial Work Plans).
        Required Additional Documentation: Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) indicating remedial work; Phase III ESA (Remedial Work Plans).
      • G. Property Tax Increment Grant - Additional Information (if applicable)

        Complete this section ONLY if applying for a Property Tax Increment Grant.
      • H. Owner Authorization for Agent (if applicable):

      • , am the registered owner of the property that is subject of this application, and I hereby authorize my Agent,
      • to make this application.
      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      • I. Sworn Declarations

      • I/WE HEREBY APPLY for a grant under this program.

        I/WE HEREBY AGREE to abide by the terms and conditions of the Norfolk County Community Improvement Plan and respective Policies.

        I/WE HEREBY AGREE by signing below to have entered into an Agreement with Norfolk County specifying the terms and conditions of the grant in this document and related Policy/Policies.

        I/WE HEREBY CERTIFY that the information contained in this application is true, correct and complete in every respect and may be verified by Norfolk County by such inquiry as it deems appropriate, including inspection of the property for which this application is being made.

        I/WE HEREBY GRANT PERMISSION to Norfolk County, or its agents, to inspect my/our property prior to, during, and after redevelopment and/or site rehabilitation and project construction, and to take photographs that shall become public information.

        I/WE HEREBY AGREE that the program for which application has been made herein is subject to cancellation and/or change at any time by Norfolk County in its sole discretion, subject to the terms and conditions specified in the Program. Participants in the program whose application has been approved and who have entered into an Agreement with Norfolk County, will continue to receive the approved incentives, subject to the terms of the grant.

        I/WE HEREBY UNDERSTAND that the grant can be reduced or cancelled if the agreed work is not completed or if contractors/suppliers have not been paid.

        I/WE HEREBY AGREE that all grants will be calculated and awarded in the sole discretion of Norfolk County. Notwithstanding any representation by or on behalf of Norfolk County, or any statement contained in the program(s), no right to any grant arises until it has been duly authorized, subject to the applicant meeting the terms and conditions of the Community Improvement Plan. Norfolk County is not responsible for any costs incurred by the Owner/Applicant in any way relating to the program(s), including, without limitation, costs incurred in anticipation of a grant.

        I/WE HEREBY AGREE that information regarding the grant amount issued, the nature of the project and photographs thereof, the total investment of the project by the private sector, and the address of the property to which the grants are associated shall be disclosed to the public information, included in promotional material and/or in a media release. Applicants shall be required to allow this information to be released to the public and to participate in public reviews of the program in future.

      • MM slash DD slash YYYY
      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.